If you make a third column, for the monitor serial number, then it will list each individual monitor including when they're the same model. I've also seen SQL reports (vs the Basic Report you're pr...
Most software requires additional command line options or other configuration, to be installed silently. Otherwise, they attempt to run their GUI installer, which you don't see and can't respond to...
That's because your search finds computers that have the many applications installed that aren't named webroot SecurAnywhere You should try a filter of "Not Any" Application Name contains Webroot...
For occasionally checking a few specific machines for local login history, we use PDQ to run Nirsoft WinLogOnView in cli mode and export as a CSV file.There's most likely some way to use powershell...
You can make one yourself in 30 seconds using only PDQ and windows commands. Tools>Customize>New>Tool Name: GpUpdate Run Type: Local Run As: Credentials User Command: GPupdate /force (or whichev...
Options > Preferences > Interface > Theme: Metropolis Dark
Does that first criteria have a typo?Looks like C;\Users (with a semicolon instead of colon) on my screen, which would cause it to not do what you want.
Try the lower part of this (I don't have your same collection, but used one I knew would show me the results the second part is looking for) And then since you know the specific username, you'd wan...
Assuming your .ini file is in the same location as your setup.exe, and you're running it off a network share, you would probably need to use one of these settings too: 1)Add the ini file to the "ad...
We have a command step that runs this as logged in user: C:\Users%username%\AppData\Roaming\Spotify\Spotify.exe /uninstall /silent But you can look and see in the application uninstall paths to see...