Stephen Valdinger
Automation nerd. I love all things Powershell, and am eager to teach others. I also love fishing, and woodworking. My wife calls be weird, but I like to think of it as eclectic.
I feel as if I can interject here. Where is this collection coming from? Is this the Active Directory tree or a true Collection such as All Computers defined in Inventory? If I scale back the filt...
In looking at it a little closer I did see one thing in that top part that would cause you grief. You're going to want to use this for your Get-ADUser call: get-aduser -Filter * -SearchBase "OU=to...
You are pretty close! Drop this in your Foreach block, and it should take care of the move: #set description Foreach ($user in $users) { Set-ADUser $user.samaccountname -Description "Was a member...
There's not really a "great" solution for this within PDQ. Personally for something like this I would turn to a Powershell script run via scheduled task somewhere that uses Test-Connection to check...
Reboot steps are a thing in Deploy now. Have been for quite some time now. Here's how I'd set it up:
You don't need the % around username:
That XML file is the create a PDQ Deploy package. Has nothing to do with VS 2017's actual install.
I deploy enterprise once a semester to a lab for our programming coursework. Note about this package, you'll need to find the right product code for the license application step. You can find info...
Click on the Steps of the sucessful deployment. Any output that was sent to logs will have a link you can click to open said Output.Log.
Did you create your own package or did you deploy from the Package Library? If you deployed from the Library, you wouldn't have missed a Step. Is there anything funky in any of the output.log files...