Stephen Valdinger
Automation nerd. I love all things Powershell, and am eager to teach others. I also love fishing, and woodworking. My wife calls be weird, but I like to think of it as eclectic.
You could also check to see if the VPN adapter is is Up or not. In my environment something like that would look like this: If((Get-NetAdapter -Name 'Ethernet 2').Status -ne 'Up'){ return 2 } Then ...
I reckon you're gonna want to use a matches expression and a regex match to get the results you want.
This smells like a bug to me. I'd submit this question to support@pdq.com
Woops, I orphaned this didn't I! My apologies, here's my package. There are a few things you have to change in it, like the license key and version identifier. Here's some helpful links that I use...
I do. I'll dig it up when I'm back to work
Actually, you can. Depending on what the update is there are a couple ways to do it. Most will center around a command step using wusa.exe, while others, such as this latest Excel update for exampl...
Barring the licensing concerns, of course it's possible. In probably less than 2 hours with Powershell or C#
can you probe the SMB ports on one of the remote targets with something like nmap? Or telnet on port 139 (netBIOS) or 445 (TCP)? That'll tell you if the firewall is blocking SMB traffic.
What? No powershell? Get-Process explorer | Stop-Process This kills explorer on my machine, and it instantly recovers when it quits.
Understood. I should have some availability tomorrow afternoon/evening to give you a call. I have a couple ideas rattling around that I'd like to run by you, as well as some troubleshooting stuff w...