Claus Jensen
Activity overview
Latest activity by Claus Jensen-
Claus Jensen commented, Hi Can this be re-considered? I respect and understood the popularity decision, but maybe security reasons can change this call? Recent zero days have forced us to scan and update icloud along with...
Claus Jensen created a post, Not plannedFreeFileSync FreeFileSync is a free Open Source software that helps you synchronize files and synchronize folders for Windows, Linux and macOS.
Claus Jensen commented, Good call. We could use this too.
Claus Jensen commented, I Second Bryant. I would also love to have some WSUS functions in PDQ.I love PDQ more and more everyday, but Windows updates are still a pain. So ability to run WSUS/WU functions from PDQ are top o...
Claus Jensen commented, Hi Guys MS have addressed this issue with Local Administrator Password Solution (LAPS): Our friends at 4sysops have a great guide o...
Claus Jensen commented, I second this.
Claus Jensen commented, suggest you take a look on the new Teamviwewer v. 10 management console.With the new v. 10 they finally added proper management tools....
Claus Jensen created a post, Not plannedsnagit package
Hi Could you possibly add a snagit install package to PDQ deploy? MSI: We have used this licensed tool for ages ...
Claus Jensen commented, Thanks, if relevant to other users of teamviewer, we have setup a Inventory Scan Profile to scan registry for Client IDs. Then we setup a report that filter the computername and the Teamviewer Clie...
Claus Jensen created a post, Completedcitrix receiver
We use citrix receiver on all devices, so an deploy/updater would be great: Receiver: Update: http://support.cit...