Claus Jensen
Hi Can this be re-considered? I respect and understood the popularity decision, but maybe security reasons can change this call? Recent zero days have forced us to scan and update icloud along with...
Good call. We could use this too.
I Second Bryant. I would also love to have some WSUS functions in PDQ.I love PDQ more and more everyday, but Windows updates are still a pain. So ability to run WSUS/WU functions from PDQ are top o...
Hi Guys MS have addressed this issue with Local Administrator Password Solution (LAPS): Our friends at 4sysops have a great guide o...
I second this.
- suggest you take a look on the new Teamviwewer v. 10 management console.With the new v. 10 they finally added proper management tools....
Thanks, if relevant to other users of teamviewer, we have setup a Inventory Scan Profile to scan registry for Client IDs. Then we setup a report that filter the computername and the Teamviewer Clie...