Matthew Newton
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Latest activity by Matthew Newton-
Matthew Newton commented, yeah. Sensible set up. Little beats the PDQ Dynamic collections feature. I have a large set of "Quick View" collections A folder like "Updates" with sub folders for Chrome, Firefox, HDD space free>...
Matthew Newton commented, Thanks. I have, I am, I do for most. The trouble is the source of new machines, also some I'm expected to support/administer but not have creds for (yes, really), others I like to retain the abilit...
Matthew Newton commented, Thank you for your reply. I didn't realise you could set scan credentials per computer manually via console. That is a big help but not a full solution in my case. A huge thank you for the tip. In ...
Matthew Newton created a post, PDQ Inventory/Deploy use multiple credentials.
Question/Feature request technically valid for both Inventory and Deploy. Like many I do not have the benefit of unified administrative credentials in my environment. Some run with old passwords, n...
Matthew Newton commented, You guys rock. I so needed this. Thank you. Now if only I can steer PDQ Deploy packages based on it being a laptop or not.
Matthew Newton commented, Me too, I'm afraid. Having to monitor the online status of objects missing scans was a pain. So I have a huge kludge workaround. In PDQInventory: Create a dynamic collection with the criteria you n...
Matthew Newton created a post, File Scanner: List directory's and files, no subdirectories
I'd like to add some directory listing into inventory data for use with collections.For the path "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Desktop\" (and later "%SystemDrive%\") I'd like a single level listing of files a...