Ungrade to windows 10
Download latest Windows10UpgraderApp.exe %Repository%\Windows10UpgraderApp.exe /Install /ClientID Win10Upgrade:VNL:NHV16:{} /SkipEULA /PostEosUi upgraded 1300 pcs in three days. takes 10 minutes pe...
Deploy CCTK Wake on Lan and Wlan.
Enable wake on lan a wlan for all your dell pcs or laptops. download cctk tool. ...
inventory self aborting
inventory has stopped scanning and now just self aborts all scans? help???
rename computer from pdq tool.
[][1] start \[server][share]\wsname.exe /n:[computer name] /rcid /deleteexisting /user:[domain\user] /pass:[password] /REBOOT helpful tool. can rename as what eve...
ssid-reg-scaner- pdq-inventory
hello, trying to scan for network wireless ssid that the computer is currently connected to. i found it in this path, but wont return data... any suggestions, that would make this work? HKLM\SOFTWA...
upgrade windows and shutdown.
download shutdownwithupdates.exe start \\[server]\[share]\"ShutdownWithUpdates.exe" /R /F works for me.
deploying printers.
batch file to add ip printer. for windows 7 64bit. you need to copy Prnport.vbs to system32 folder. change the driver path when needed. change the .inf file when needed. change the ip (*.*.*.*) a...
java + chrome problems.
hello, i work for a school district and we use chrome for everything. but because of the recent fight java and chrome had we have not updated java or chrome in months.... i have a java configurati...
Rejoin a pc to domain.
download wsname.exe from has all the silent switches on site. in a batch file or pdq deploy. command step. START /wait \\[server\share\location]\wsname.exe /n:$...
collection to see what ssid the wireless station is connected to...