David Cintron
Eleuthold, I noticed this as well. I'm thinking that there probably isn't an easy way to do this. Even version 11 of Adobe had the Tools bar that was displayed upon launch and had things like EXPOR...
Shane, Thanks for the clarification. We're not using Auto Deployment and I realize I phrased my question poorly in the context of PDQ Deploy. What I meant to ask was if I do deploy Adobe Reader DC...
Er, so I'm confused. Is Adobe depreciating the non Adobe Reader DC versions? If so, does the new package available in Deploy replace the current version of Adobe Reader XI 11.0.10?
I wasn't able to ever get it working. It would report the uninstall was successful, but in reality Chrome was still on the machine. I resorted to manually uninstalling, but still doesn't really hel...
Just an update for those keeping score at home, I was able to get the vbs scripts working in that PDQ Deploy returns success at the end of the removal and registry scripts, however not all the time...
Shane, your version of the vbs script worked. It did leave the icon on the taskbar and in Programs & Features though. I wonder if the registry bit from that Google forum post takes care of that?
Shane, Maybe I'm not doing the vbs portion right, but I get an error when running it. :'(