Bob Turner
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Bob Turner created a post, Deployment Notification Not Showing Computer Names In Email
Kind of an odd question. I have PDQ Deploy set up to send a notification to me when a deployment is complete. It used to show the names of the computers that the deployments were sent to but has ...
Bob Turner created a post, PDQ DeployService.exe Warnings In Event Viewer
We are seeing the following warning on the server that PDQ Deploy is on:CLR Version : 4.0.30319.34209Entry : C:\Program Files (x86)\Admin Arsenal\PDQ Deploy\PDQDeployService.exeError : ...
Bob Turner created a post, Adobe Acrobat XI Version Variable Question
We are running Adobe Acrobat XI Standard and push the latest updates out to our users via PDQ Deploy. I reference the collection group "Adobe Acrobat XI (Old)" in PDQ Inventory for the scheduled d...
Bob Turner created a post, Hot Fixes Scan Doesn't Show Installed Hotfixes After Microsoft KB3004394 Was Installed
I am using PDQ Inventory 4 Enterprise to scan to see how many of our computers have the Microsoft Update KB3004394 and KB3024777 installed. When I scan a computer that has both, which they should b...
Bob Turner created a post, How can you manually redeploy an update to a single computer that missed an auto deployment?
The Auto Deployment that I had set up ran OK on the computers that the Schedule was linked to in the Collection Library in PDQ Inventory except for a few of the laptop computers that were off the n...
Bob Turner commented, Thanks! This worked like a charm. I've got the installs whittled down to my "problem children" now. Hopefully once we have everything so that it has been installed with PDQ Deploy, these types o...
Bob Turner created a post, How do I remove Adobe Shockwave 12.0 and lower once 12.1 is installed?
I ran a deployment for Adobe Shockwave Player 12.1.153 and noticed that most of the computers that received it were still in the Adobe Shockwave (Old) Dynamic Collection Group along with being in t...