IT Abteilung
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Latest activity by IT Abteilung-
IT Abteilung created a post, Can I add linux system and deploy any command to all workstations?
I want to utilize pdqdeploy as "puppet" to send contemporany command to my server/workstation linux. Can I add linux systems on my pdqdeploy / pdqinventory? Thanks in advance
IT Abteilung commented, Hi, my O/S are not multi language: the possibility are three languages. I try this cmd line command and I retrieve the OS language and store it in a file (the result are numbers that represent the ...
IT Abteilung created a post, How can I find the O/S Windows Language?
Hi, I have PDQ Deploy and Inventory PRO. In my network I have different O/S language, and if it is possible I want to know the language. At the moment I send a cmd line command on each Workstation ...
IT Abteilung commented, I have a problem on the DNS :-)
IT Abteilung commented, Hi Adam, I have a pro version of PDQ Deploy and I will catch infos of any workstation of a particular VLAN of my network. I open all the ports you says in this post and I need the exception of the ...