Jeff Miller
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Latest activity by Jeff Miller-
Jeff Miller commented, I am having the same problem. The uninstall string is - C:\Users\user name\AppData\Roaming\ShopAtHome\ShopAtHomeToolbar\ShopAtHomeUn.exe I tried the uninstall tool in PDQ Inventory 5 (Release2) Pr...
Jeff Miller commented, Shane, I resolved the issue by renaming log.db and letting PDQ Inventory create a new log.db file.
Jeff Miller commented, Hi Shane, The log.db does exist in C:\ProgramData\Admin Arsenal and credentials for the background service have full control to the file.
Jeff Miller commented, My event log CLR Version : 4.0.30319.34014Entry : C:\Program Files (x86)\Admin Arsenal\PDQ Inventory\PDQInventoryService.exeError : SQLite database file is corrupt (The system cannot ...