Nate Blevins
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Latest activity by Nate Blevins-
Nate Blevins commented, This is also working for me. Any Filter Column Comparison Value Computer O/S Install Date After 1 Day Ago Computer AD Created ...
Nate Blevins commented, Bob- Try using OS Install date, It looks like the OS reloaded was a custom field created by someone before me.
Nate Blevins commented, Maybe it's because I'm using the Beta? I like to use the Beta because of the new features. Plus it's not that hard to re-install if something goes wrong. They are currently on Beta 3 of version 8, ...
Nate Blevins commented, Yes, I have application groups in AD so my techs can add a computer account to those groups and it will automatically install that application. I do this for users that request an application to be...
Nate Blevins commented, If anyone else is interested. I was looking for a way deploy packages based on whether a computer was either reloaded or added to AD. We don't put new computers in their own OU, our images put the ...
Nate Blevins commented, Just wanted to give my thumbs up for wanting this as a feature as well!
Nate Blevins commented, I've created 2 custom tools, would love to see what other people have made. Mine are below. 1. GPUpdate Uses PsExec to remotely force a Group Policy update on the target computer. %windir%\...