Robert Graves
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Latest activity by Robert Graves-
Robert Graves created a post, Managing PDQ Deploy with Multiple Sites (no servers required)
Here is a link to my How To.
Robert Graves commented, I created this How to for those who don't have DFS and have multiple sites.
Robert Graves commented, Details on this page
Robert Graves commented, Thank you for the post. I'll try some of these things as I had similar issues of the add-on not showing in the browser.
Robert Graves commented, Another thought, using PDQ inventory to do the scan if it can be set to a schedule shortly before pdq inventory may be a work around. However I'd be concerned about the scans/deployments going out...
Robert Graves created a post, PDQ Deploy doesn't WOL but PDQ Inventory does?
I just activated a 14 day pro trial of both PDQ Deploy and Inventory to see if the Wake on Lan setting will work for our network. I noticed that on PDQ Deploy even though I have WOL before deployi...