Michael Bratcher
Thank you for that info, I have tried all of the Windows updates for drivers, using the lenovo update utility, also downloading latest intel video driver. I was digging through panther folder files...
I didn't read the blog but I've been deploying it with /adminfile, same deal as any other Microsoft Office deployment basically.
Hello, Just curious, why do you need to sync AD so much to need a shortcut? Inside of the preferences menu you can adjust your "Sync Every" time amount with "Auto Sync Enabled".
Ah I understand the question now. Personally I'm not sure how to determine that through CMD or PS but I do know there are a few free software programs out there that have total uptime listed. No pr...
Total uptime is displayed along with Successful Scan Date. Attached Screenshot.
What SQL help? Are we talking about the Last Successful Scan Date already displayed? Attached screenshot.
If that's the case that would be easy as that information is already displayed in PDQ Inventory.
Hi Frank, If I'm understanding your question correctly, I don't think there is a way to do "very little" in any fashion, usually your looking at last known connection/online dates. Perhaps more of ...
I run the command through deploy with an echo command so it does not reboot like this: echo n | gpupdate /force The only other difference is that I Run As: Deploy User I have no issues running gpup...