Microsoft Edge package installation failures
I'm getting "MSI (s) (E0:30) [14:41:19:166]: Windows Installer installed the product. Product Name: Microsoft Edge. Product Version: 79.0.309.71. Product Language: 1033. Manufacturer: Microsoft Cor...
Is today's PDQ Live session at 10:00 AM or 11:30 AM EDT?
The link in my PDQ software says 10:00 AM but the video page itself says 11:30 AM.
Java 8 Update 66 Build 18 freezes at install step
Just tried to push Java 8 Update 66 Build 18, using both the regular (Java 8 Update 66-b18) and alternate (Java 8 - ALTERNATE Update 66-b18) packages, it froze on the install step (step 4 for the r...
Update Name button problem
Noticed when I use the "Update Name" button for certain computers, the name doesn't change within the PDQ Inventory All Computers list. The problem appears to happen when I rename a computer to a ...