Chenard, Pete
I'm just getting ready to roll out the Autodesk AEC collection of software. So far I have done one test deployment of Civil 3D to one workstation using PDQ Deploy and it was successful after about...
Just in case any of you missed this... 🔴Autodesk Deployment 2021 - YouTube You are supposed to be able to submit questions ahead of time, but I don't know how you do that.
Hmmm...I see I changed my example to <servername> but I actually use the DFS path <mydomain.local> and it works fine.
I have now installed several of our Autodesk products using PDQ Deploy as I described above onto several workstations with zero issues.
I use a domain admin account to do all of my PDQ Deploy installations.
Just an update. So far I have been able to deploy the 2022 versions of Civil 3D, Plant 3D, Vehicle Tracking, ReCap Pro, Raster Design, InfraWorks, and Navisworks Manage, just as I described in my ...
We also use the PDF-XChange Pro package. It would be great if it was added to PDQ Deploy.
I found the solution. The Client Security setting must be turned off at the security server to allow the NET STOP command to work.
Great! I just tested my deployment on two more workstations it worked fine. So looks like the /q and /w are the ticket. Thanks for that, Denis Jedig.