Chenard, Pete
I'm not sure what to tell you. When I run the Setup.exe on my product "Infrastructure Design Suite Premium" there is an option to create a network deployment. I also have this option when running...
Although I have successfully installed AutoCAD Civil 3D 2014 via PDQ Deploy, I have not been able to say the same for AutoCAD Civil 3D 2015. However, I believe it is because I customized some of t...
I'm deploying IDSP, but I always make separate deployments for each product in the suite rather than one deployment for everything. Are you sure there is no anti-virus software running on the tar...
Are you sure you don't have newer versions of the pre-requisites installed than it wants to see?
Change you /qb to /q
Great! I just tested my deployment on two more workstations it worked fine. So looks like the /q and /w are the ticket. Thanks for that, Denis Jedig.
I pull because all my deployments are stored on a DFS share rather than locally on the PDQ Deploy "server".
@Denis Jedig Thanks for the /W suggestion. I was not aware of that switch and that seems to have fixed my issues when calling a batch file to initiate the install. Although I need to test a coupl...
I forgot to add...I also deploy MS Office 2007 using a batch file with no issues what so ever.
I have tried several different methods of running a batch command or calling a batch file. They all return "error code 259".