Also, I put these commands in a bat file, and pointed PDQ Deploy to the bat file, instead of pointing to the setup.exe file with arguments.
Maybe add quotation marks around the ini portion? It's possible that it's not liking the space between BDS and 2015
I'll try a test computer that doesn't have AV installed and see how it goes. It's failing at Revit -- MSI (s) (1C:E4) [13:19:48:793]: Doing action: InstallInitializeMSI (s) (1C:E4) [13:19:48:7...
Hmm still failing. Have you pushed out BDSP using PDQ Deploy, or just Acad Civil? Maybe the multiple MSIs are causing the package to fail.
Hmm I'm getting error 259 on my install. I get a message saying "Completed Revit 2014 installation" install and then it dies. Running the script manually progresses through the install. My s...
That did it! It's installing as we speak. Thanks for your help. This is going to be a huge help when the 2015 products come out.
Hey Pcchenard, do you Push or Pull? Does it matter?
Hey guys, did you ever figure out how to deploy BDSP using PDQ Deploy? I'm trying to do the same thing, and running into errors as well.