Dan S
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Dan S created a post, Change Background Service User Password
What is the proper steps to take to change the background service users's password if it is a domain account?
Dan S commented, Perfect! Thanks!
Dan S created a post, AnsweredSQL Report Wildcard
What is the wildcard for SQL reports? I've tried several things including % and * without success. When i run this I get APP1 results but that's it. where (Applications.Name = 'APP1' OR Applicatio...
Dan S commented, I was really hoping to see that information added as a column. That would make things a lot easier and would be very helpful.
Dan S commented, -
Dan S created a post, SQL Report?
Is there a way to list or run a report that will show what each package in Deploy has set for Scanning (ex. Scan After Deployment) and what scan profile is being used?
Dan S commented, Can you provide screenshots of you have you have this setup?
Dan S commented, I would check for BIOS updates as well. FYI....that information is pulled from here HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SystemInformation
Dan S commented, Perhaps its waiting or looking for user interaction? Have you tried running it as "Deploy User (Interactive)" as a test?
Dan S commented, Can someone from PDQ comment on this? Is this something on your roadmap? ThanksDan