Doug Drudik
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Latest activity by Doug Drudik-
Doug Drudik created a post, Identifying orphaned local user profiles (either no username matching SID or path no longer exists)
I'm using the following PowerShell scanner in PDQ Inventory to identify orphaned local user profiles (note that I use text "True"/"False" instead of $true/$false since it seems newly-added Boolean ...
Doug Drudik created a post, Processing WindowsUpdateLog to monitor update progress
I'm providing these steps and code in the event it might be of use to others for monitoring longer Windows Update Services tasks such as the W10 to W11 22H2 upgrade. While the process below is spe...
Doug Drudik commented, A better option might be to format TimeCreated as your PDQ installation prefers it and store it as a [datetime]: $Query = '<QueryList> <Query Id="0" Path="Application"> <Select Path="Applicatio...
Doug Drudik commented, Do you use get-winevent? I haven't run into the issue you describe but I also don't deal with multiple locales with different time formats. Have you tried to store TimeCreated as [string] instead ...
Doug Drudik commented, Excellent. Thanks!
Doug Drudik commented, Where are there command line options for Inventory listed? Custom variables would be a cleaner option.
Doug Drudik commented, Are you looking to automate the modification of existing user-created collection(s) in PDQ Inventory based on changes in user-created collections in PDQ Deploy? If so, it's possible with PowerShel...
Doug Drudik commented, You've confirmed the date/time in the BIOS setup screen is correct? If your computer's hardware clock (i.e. in BIOS setup) is that far in the future and your OS changes the time after boot the calc...