Brian Green
Sorry, that's not true. Patches that come down through WSUS drop into the .\softwaredownload folder for installation, not in the root of the C: drive. As you can see, we have up to a year's wor...
The account that PDQ runs under has to have rights to the share or it will fail. I found it easier to copy all my files down to the box, run locally, and then remove the files when I was done. T...
I'm using this syntax for my package: Install-ProvisioningPackage -PackagePath c:\windows\provisioning\project_1.ppkg -QuietInstall -ForceInstall
You can build your own tools into PDQ. Docs are found here:
Thanks, I was able to create an autoreport based on that. I'd love to see this as an option for creating basic reports, but this will definitely work for now.
If you're going from 1511 -> 1909, I'm going to guess you may have some software, such as an antivirus, that is incompatible with 1909. You'll want to start digging into logs, most of them are in...
I've had success with it. Ensure that you've done a scan on Hardware Devices before checking the information. That's how it pulls that status. Also, enabled isn't the same thing is protected. In ...
It's pretty easily done. I extract the Windows ISO of whatever version I want to upgrade to a folder and then 7Zip it so that when I copy it over, I don't copy a ton of files but one. I add that 7z...
How I do this is create a collection header, then create 2 sub collections underneath. One of the collections checks for the filter "Computer - Needs Reboot - Is True". The other is "does not need...
Anything in the package library that's set to auto download can be deployed automagically. For your example, download the package as an auto download package. Create a schedule for it, uncheck the ...