Kevin Still
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Latest activity by Kevin Still-
Kevin Still commented, Why not use Group Policies for this instead?
Kevin Still commented, I am also interested in this
Kevin Still commented, I am running this command in SQLITE but it doesn't do anything and I am still getting the 15mb exceeded, any idea's? insert into Settings ('Name', 'Value') values ('DeploymentSettings.MaxStepOutp...
Kevin Still commented, I am testing this on Solidworks 2019 SP3 17 GB file copy though, I wonder if theres a better method
Kevin Still commented, This script does not require any admin priv, I can run it as the user no problem. I an running it as the logged in user
Kevin Still commented, This is what I use to remove it, I don't remember what versions its for but you can edit "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AutoCAD LT 2017\Setup\en-us\Setup\Setup.exe" /P {28B89EEF-0009-0000-0102-CF3F3A0...
Kevin Still created a post, Help with PowerShell Script
If I run my ps1 script on the PC as the user manually I get no errors. If I run it with PDQ Deploy it's throwing an exception, most of the script runs but then errors at some point. ScriptHalted At...
Kevin Still commented, Why don't you just not have it join the domain until the last step. That way PDQ Inventory doesn't even see it until then
Kevin Still commented, This is how I do things I have my standard image - most of the company uses this. Then after I join the computers to the domain I drag them to a specific OU. In PDQ Deploy, I have schedules setup t...
Kevin Still commented, 2017 2018 2019 I don't see any uninstallers but if its an msi its pretty easy. If its an installsheild you just need to uninstall it one, record it, and create an an...