Kevin Still
Why not use Group Policies for this instead?
I am also interested in this
I am running this command in SQLITE but it doesn't do anything and I am still getting the 15mb exceeded, any idea's? insert into Settings ('Name', 'Value') values ('DeploymentSettings.MaxStepOutp...
I am testing this on Solidworks 2019 SP3 17 GB file copy though, I wonder if theres a better method
This script does not require any admin priv, I can run it as the user no problem. I an running it as the logged in user
This is what I use to remove it, I don't remember what versions its for but you can edit "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AutoCAD LT 2017\Setup\en-us\Setup\Setup.exe" /P {28B89EEF-0009-0000-0102-CF3F3A0...
Why don't you just not have it join the domain until the last step. That way PDQ Inventory doesn't even see it until then
This is how I do things I have my standard image - most of the company uses this. Then after I join the computers to the domain I drag them to a specific OU. In PDQ Deploy, I have schedules setup t...
2017 2018 2019 I don't see any uninstallers but if its an msi its pretty easy. If its an installsheild you just need to uninstall it one, record it, and create an an...