David McCoy
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Latest activity by David McCoy-
David McCoy commented, My first thought would be the the PDQ deploy service does not have proper permissions to wherever you are hosting the installer.. here is my package xml if it help.. pretty basic, nothing fancy in...
David McCoy commented, What kind of error are you getting? I am still deploying w/ no issues using this command.
David McCoy commented, I've been deploying it for months w/o issue. I don't have any extra parameters specified and just usew the default generated msiexec.exe /i "ZoomOutlookPluginSetup.msi" ALLUSERS=1 /qn /norestart /l...
David McCoy created a post, Request Zoom Outlook Plugin
Please add Zoom Outlook Plugin, thank you! https://zoom.us/download
David McCoy created a post, Trigger when PC changes from External to Internal?
Hello, is it possible to trigger a deployment when an agent changes from External to Internal? One of the reasons that this would be useful is that for some reason, when many of our laptops boot an...
David McCoy commented, Awesome, thank you!
David McCoy commented, Is this still the recommended method for this? Thanks!
David McCoy commented, Is this still the recommended solution for deploying the agent using Deploy to new machines? Thanks!
David McCoy commented, @Callan lol, At first glance of your post I thought you were going to sarcastically tell me that's dead simple and I just missed it. :) .. This would be such an awesome addition to PDQ!
David McCoy created a post, How to update any/all old apps found on a PC?
Hello, Is there a way to build a collection or view that is more PC focused rather than app focused? I'd like to see all outdated apps per PC and update them all with one click regardless of what t...