
Joshua Campbell

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Latest activity by Joshua Campbell
  • Joshua Campbell commented,

    Thanks Jordan Hammond.  I'm just trying to think of how to edit the collection to filter the 1.x out. As far as performance goes, if we had the Scan as part of a Deploy Package, would we still need...

  • Joshua Campbell commented,

    Jordan, There's no way to capture the version as well as the hash, correct?

  • Joshua Campbell commented,

    What happens if you manually run that PowerShell script on the computer in question?  There's a PowerShell version requirement that it be higher than 4 I believe and you may be running into that.  ...

  • Joshua Campbell created a post,

    Access to variables in PDQ Inventory?

    Hello everyone.  There is a variable in PDQ Inventory that I would like to be able to read in PDQ Deploy.  However, PDQ Deploy does not seem to be able to read it.  For example, from within PDQ Inv...

    • 1 vote
  • Joshua Campbell created a post,

    Question about the Win10 Auto-Update Packages and Preview updates

    Hi everyone.  Is there a way to have a auto-updating package for the latest Windows 10 cumulative update, but not the Preview updates?  For example, currently the “Win 10 (1903/1909) - Cumulative U...

    • 1 follower
    • 0 votes
  • Joshua Campbell created a post,

    Managing Firefox

    Hello.  We are thinking of managing Firefox using PDQ.  Do we need to uninstall whatever version of Firefox the users have (whether it be per-user installs or not) before we do that?  And, if so, d...

    • 1 follower
    • 1 vote
  • Joshua Campbell commented,

    Quick question for you.  Why did you use a custom variable there?  Thanks!

  • Joshua Campbell commented,

    Thank you Colby.  I imported the scan profile and executed it against a laptop that I recently replaced the battery (known good), a laptop that I need to replace the battery (known bad) and then a ...

  • Joshua Campbell commented,

    Can you change how often PDQ Inventory scans?  Then edit the IP Address collection that you mentioned so that it only shows computers that are online and have been scanned within the past few hours...

  • Joshua Campbell commented,

    OK, I'll take a look at it and see what I can do.  I've never used one of your scanners.  Do I just save the script and then add that to a Scan Profile in PDQ Inventory?