John Q
Ok thanks, I think that works then. So if file exists: If file doesn't exist:
Yes it is scanned in one of the scan profiles. However I see duplicate systems in this Dynamic collection that I see in the Collection containing systems that do have the file.
Colby Bouma Ah ok, that's perfect -- thanks.
Oh, and I didn't realize I couldn't test Adobe Reader deployments if I could modify steps in the package. Nice thinking there.
Hi lnichols, Appreciate the input. Unfortunately, you can't prove that 99% of everyone who wants to deploy Adobe Reader updates in their environment would like to force close it on everyone abruptl...
Sure, I get that. Plenty of things we don't want auto-deploying right off the bat. I think it would be helpful to have a choice however, instead of imposing practices on us that other customers (mo...
@... If I go to convert it to a Standard package it gives me this warning: That means I will have to go edit the package each time there's an update to reference the latest Adobe Reader?
For any others curious I believe this logic works for showing when multiple conditions exist or don't exist. Collection for computers that have both fonts installed. In this example one font is cal...
Thanks. It would be helpful too if there was an example of showing a sample collection where multiple fonts were not installed. Or multiple applications for example. Since it's not quite clear on h...
Hi lnichols, Thanks for the response. Yes I will leave that at 60 just to be safe. This deployment shouldn't go beyond a couple weeks anyhow. Later