When you open a package. On the main properties, the details tab and name like below. Whats highlighted is not possible currently. Version and description allow it even though description can't be ...
Ok thank you.
This would be nice and handy for sure. Maybe a mouseover popup? Going into the deploy package everytime is time consuming for all the custom scripts we have.
This is what I have to detect TLS 1.2 disabled. Windows 2012 R2 or better automatically has it enabled and has no entry int he registry. Older Windows requires an entry to enable it. This is just f...
Rex, Thanks. This would be helpful. However I'm already planning to have all servers to at least 4.8 by summer. Crossing my fingers.
I think you can just downgrade it. At worst, uninstall and then install older one. We put our upgrade on hold for now to weigh the option of whether it's worth upgrading and excommunicating the 2 s...
One is Exchange 2010, that's on it's way out as we speak. The other is called iMIS. It's a server database & application that handles all our members. I put .net 4.8 on the database because that di...
Joey, the bomb! That was our problem, all the domain controllers and a few others here and there were having the problems. Change the service to run as a local admin and all work now.
I get this issue as well. For this machine it ignores the "Use PDQ Inventory Scan User credentials first, when available." I have other non-domain machines that this checkbox is working on ironically.
Here is my font script for PDQ. It works great for Windows 10 & 7. I have a schedule set to install on any machines found in an AD group. The helpdesk then just has to add the machine in the group...