Mike - I just spent some time figuring it out better. I use Powershell to grab the cert info (subject, issuer, issue date and expiry date) and then I use Dynamic Groups to organize my certs into pu...
I know this is an old post, but I had a question. I'll also search around more to see if it has been addressed. Is there a way, in PDQ to query all of the extensions of the different browsers (main...
Luke and Brian - thanks for your responses. Brian - It's overkill for this need, but I liked the code and will enjoy putting it to use another time. Luke - I could do that but I was thinking it ...
ok. Keep in mind that some small apps that need a backend DB may use SQL Express and may install a small sql server with an instance specific to the app.
You may want to look for MSSQL$ also, I believe. That will show you SQL with Instances (if you're familiar with SQL instances).
Have you considered querying the list of services in the registry instead? All services are in HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services, so you can grab the item named MSSQLSERVER (if it's a full SQL...
Am I allowed to comment on my own posts? ha. I found a way to do it in Powershell, so I ran the following: Get-ChildItem -Path Cert:\LocalMachine\My | Where-Object {$_.Subject -match '*.{my_domain}...
I've seen some articles on WMI queries for battery. They may be, technically, "unsupported" queries. Take a look at https://devblogs.microsoft.com/scripting/using-windows-powershell-to-determine-if...