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Latest activity by asolomon-
asolomon commented, That would definitely work, but keep in mind that it could also work for d:\temp, if you ever scan the d drive (etc). Your way isn't wrong, but it could produce unexpected results. In your case, wh...
asolomon commented, I believe you'll need to do ALL (not any) Path = C:\ Name = temp You can do contains if you want. the issue is that if you look at the column headings, path does not equal c:\temp
asolomon commented, a few thoughts: Have you tried piping the output to a centralized file? For example, using ">> \\sevrer\share\outputfile.txt" at the end of the command? The ">>" indicates to pipe the output to a f...
asolomon commented, Sure, but in all honesty, the file is date/time stamped when it's written, so you already have that data. On ingestion, it's easier to pull the date/time and insert into a database than to parse th...
asolomon commented, Rafael, There isn't a built in way to do it, but here's what I do. I have a weekly report that exports the full configuration of all of my devices and emails it to me as a CSV and drops it in a sec...
asolomon commented, rmcintire I have this working with Powershell and it brings back the info to PDQ. I use the Powershell scanner and the following code: Get-ChildItem Cert:\ -Recurse | Where-Object {$_.Subject -Matc...
asolomon commented, Mike, You could also do this.... That will show you what's expiring in the next 60 days. You can also use a fixed date, if you like.
asolomon commented, I do the calculation in the report. I want all servers that have public certs in one collection. I don't want to miss anything. Then, my report looks at the NotAfter but I use 365 days instead of a...
asolomon commented, I replaced items names with other things so you could see an example. You only need the second section with PowerShell... The reason for the first section is because I have some non-windows machin...
asolomon commented, Get-ChildItem Cert:\ -Recurse | Where-Object {$_.Subject -Match '{yourdomain}.com'}|Select-Object Subject, Issuer, NotBefore, NotAfter Replace {yourdomain}.com with your domain. I use this in a Sch...