Gilles Delcourt
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Latest activity by Gilles Delcourt-
Gilles Delcourt commented, Thank you for your input I dowloaded the latest legacy setup (4.1.0) and it doesn't support neither /SILENT nor /VERYSILENT argument. It looks like it's by design :
Gilles Delcourt commented, Thank you for this quick answer
Gilles Delcourt created a post, PDFCreator still at 3.2 in PDQ library (4.0 is the newest)
Hello, We use PDFCreator in our University. The software is in the PDQ library but stuck at version 3.2 while there have been several updates since. Current version is 4.0.4. Do you plan to upg...
Gilles Delcourt commented, Hello, Option 1 looked promizing. I made a package and schedule based upon this method and it seems to do the job. PDQ Deploy still states wether the deploy was succesfull for each computer and d...
Gilles Delcourt commented, Thank you for your reply. The main reason for wishing to re-use the same package is ease of use (and this avoiding mistakes). I have several packages to deploy this application, some are nested...
Gilles Delcourt created a post, Reusing a package for updgraded version of an application
Hello, I have to deploy new versions of an application. I created a package in PDQ Deploy and it works fine with tne .EXE installer. When a new version of this application is available, I 'd li...
Gilles Delcourt commented, I would have much use of variables in the Conditions tab in PDQ Deploy. Most immediate would be checking an application version compared to the one stored in my custom variable to determine wether ...
Gilles Delcourt commented, Thank you for the tip ;-) My question was based upon a Command step situation but I suppose I can rather use an Install step which allows to define a whole directory for source files.
Gilles Delcourt created a post, Best way to create a package for folder based installer ?
Hello, I want to deploy an app (Avira). I have an install foder which contains the main setup file (.EXE) and many support files used by the setup, some in sub-folders. I cannot add each file to th...
Gilles Delcourt commented, I highly agree