Renzo Trujillo
Activity overview
Latest activity by Renzo Trujillo-
Renzo Trujillo created an article, The Account Name is Invalid or Does Not Exist, or the Password is Invalid for the Account Name Specified
In some cases, you may see PDQ Deploy and / or PDQ Inventory report the error The account name is invalid or does not exist or The password is invalid for the account name specified. This is a nat...
Renzo Trujillo created an article, Update Does Not Apply
Purpose PDQ Deploy reports Update Does Not Apply when deploying a Windows Update package. Resolution The error Update Does Not Apply is a Windows Update installer error being relayed via PDQ Deplo...
Renzo Trujillo created an article, Remote Repair crashing or not launching
Purpose Remote Repair is crashing or not launching within PDQ Deploy and PDQ Inventory. Resolution There may be some issues with the Remote Repair executable, and it will need to be deleted and t...
Renzo Trujillo created an article, Failed Logon Events ID 4625 When Successfully Scanning and Deploying to Computers
Purpose: PDQ Deploy and PDQ Inventory successfully scans\deploys to computers, but it creates failed logon events ID 4625. Resolution: This is by design from Microsoft when a connection is made ...
Renzo Trujillo created an article, PowerShell Scanner requires PowerShell 3 or higher
Purpose: PDQ Inventory reports the "PowerShell Scanner requires PowerShell 3 or higher" when scanning a computer with a PowerShell scanner. Resolution: In order to use the PowerShell scanner, the ...
Renzo Trujillo created an article, Could Not Ping Computer
Purpose PDQ Deploy or PDQ Inventory reports "Could not ping computer" when deploying or scanning to computers. Resolution This is a PDQ Deploy\Inventory error, which means that the computer host...
Renzo Trujillo created an article, Failed to resolve hostname
Purpose PDQ Deploy or PDQ Inventory reports "Failed to resolve hostname" when deploying or scanning to computers. Resolution This is a native Windows error "Host not found" or "No such host is kno...
Renzo Trujillo created an article, The network name cannot be found
Purpose PDQ Deploy or PDQ Inventory reports "The network name cannot be found" when deploying or scanning to computers. Resolution This is a native Windows\SMB error that means an SMB connection to...
Renzo Trujillo created an article, The network path was not found
Purpose PDQ Deploy or PDQ Inventory reports "The network path was not found" when deploying or scanning to computers. Resolution This is a native Windows\SMB error that means an SMB connection to t...
Renzo Trujillo created an article, The specified network name is no longer available
Purpose PDQ Deploy or PDQ Inventory reports "The specified network name is no longer available" when deploying and scanning to computers. Resolution This is a generic Windows\SMB error that means a...