Niklas Kaumanns
Activity overview
Latest activity by Niklas Kaumanns-
Niklas Kaumanns created a post, Keeping Symantec up to date
Dear all, we use Nortons Symantec Endpoint Protection as our malware solution. I would like to know, if anyone has some experience on how to check if it is up to date company wide? I mean,if there ...
Niklas Kaumanns commented, Dear Ryan, Thank you very much! That does help a lot, as it identifies which PCs I can delete from AD and DNS, after rechecking of course. I would really like to use PDQ Inventory Sync, but we have...
Niklas Kaumanns created a post, AnsweredDeploy Software per AD User
Hello all, is it possible to deploy software for an AD User and not for an AD computer? We have a few users switching workplaces and thus would like to deploy software based on organizational group...