Alex Saad
Allow user to delay reboot
Is there a way that I can allow users the option to delay a reboot? I think it can be done in a similar way to this: https://www.pdq.com/blog/how-to-automate-your-users-reboots/ but was wondering i...
Multiple Registry condition checks in one deploy step
Hello community, I'm curious if it's possible to check for multiple registry keys in one step in a PDQ deploy package. I found this post: https://help.pdq.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/115000007392-...
Inventory not showing installed printers for certain computers
Certain computers on our domain will list all of their local printers just fine, but for other ones the section in their details is completely blank. Doing a standard scan doesn't make anything sho...
Excluding collections from deployments
Hello, Few different questions: Is there a way to exclude certain collections when setting up a deployment schedule? Is there a way to exclude certain collections when creating a new collection? Fo...
Verify a computer is online by checking the hostname of IP address
Hello everyone, The DNS records on my domain are all out whack, resulting in scenarios like this where three different computers are listed as having the same IP address: In this situation 192.1...
PDQ Inventory sort applications by install date
I think I'm missing something really obvious here. When I open up a particular computers details and view the applications, there doesn't seem to be a way to sort software in the order it was insta...
Search Deployment list for computer name
I have a schedule that deploys an application to hundreds of computers on a heartbeat. Within the schedule I can look at the target history and see if a machine failed the deployment or not, but it...
In Correct Collection Membership
I have a deployment that will only run if a computer is in a certain collection, which is based off its IP address. Sometimes this works fine, but if I reboot the machine and try to run the deploym...
List all versions of an application with computer counts
Is there a way to get a report of all versions of a particular application installed, and counts of the computers for each? The built in application count will give me the total number of machines ...
Connection from PDQ Inventory not authorized, add user to Console Users
Tried this article:https://help.pdq.com/hc/en-us/articles/360041187851?input_string=connection+from+pdq+inventory+not+authorized%2C+add+user+to+console+users Same operating mode, same console user,...