Send Ctrl Alt Del and LOCK Windows
is any way to send Ctrl Alt Del and LOCK Windows thanks
How can I execute or show a JPG file on a remote computer?
Good Morning we want to execute a command to 300 pc and show a filename.jpg VIEW OPEN on their desktops... is any way to do this? we can send messages to all of these pc but ... is a simple text....
ForcePoint DLP TRITONAP-ENDPOINT.exe Silent install without restart
Good Morning we want to deploy on 400 pc Force Point DLP.exe with Silent install without restart we have testing and deploy a lot of packages with silent parameters but unfortunately... the workst...
Deploy a Package and Shortcut it to Desktop
Good Morning , we have PDQ DEPLOY 17 , is working very well. we want to deploy on 300 pc 7zip package. is working but... we want shortcut 7zip on users desktop. Any Way To Do It...... Thanks