Can anyone figure out a way to install this through PDQ? Unified Communications Managed API 5.0 Runtime
Microsoft Unified Communications Managed API 5.0 Runtime https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=47344 I tried with /quiet and with /passive that I found online. Passive gave an e...
Any way to use PDQ to start all services that are Automatic and not running?
Every time we do Windows Updates we end up with a number of machines that have services that don't start up after the reboots. Is there any way to use PDQ to find any machines that have a service ...
How often does my PDQ install check in with PDQ.com for updated information?
Howdy E.g. Adobe released another Flash update today. If PDQ updates the install package and collection criteria, how long does it take my server to get that new information. Just wondering if thi...
PDQ Agent and local server managing the same servers? Brainstorming session....
Howdy, I have a unique setup in that I manage servers that are located in 5 different data center around North America. None of these data centers can talk to each other so I have a PDQ server set...
Can I make a collection to show which machines have .net 3.5 installed?
Howdy, .net 3.5 shows up as a Windows Feature within PDQ Inventory. On the 2016 box I'm checking, it's listed as: .NET Framework 3.5 (includes .NET 2.0 and 3.0) If it is installed, it has a checkm...
Collection based on contents of a log file?
Howdy, I pushed out some software to a bunch of machines but some of them are not working properly even though the install worked just fine. I can narrow down the machines that aren't working base...
Scan after Deploy doesn't seem to work?
I'm trialing PDQ Deploy & Inventory and am having an issue getting things to scan after a deployment. I checked in Preferences and I do have the "Scan After Deployment" box checked and set to defau...
Is there any way to add a column for "Current Version" when looking at Collection Libraries
Howdy, If I go into Browsers and choose Firefox, it tells me how many machines have FF Current, FF Not installed, or FF Old. If I click on the Old group to see who's in there, I want an easy way t...
How to handle reboots after Windows Updates?
When I'm looking at Windows Updates in PDQ Deploy, I see this linke: A reboot is required but will not be initiated by this deployment, however depending on your environment Windows Update may rebo...