How can I do an OR statement using Ends With?
Howdy, I've been away from PDQ for a bit and am a bit rusty. I see there is an option to create a Dynamic Collection using "Ends With" which I don't remember being there in the past. Anyway, how ...
Two problems I have with scheduled deployments (long, sorry) ;)
Hi, I posted this to Reddit but am posting it here as well since it's potentially a different audience. :) I am using the Auto-Download feature combined with the provided Device Collections to t...
How do you handle Windows Updates? PDQ? WSUS? Both? Neither?
Howdy, I know there are lots of ways to hand patching a bunch of servers, with or without PDQ, and I"m just wondering what everyone does. The way we do things seems to work pretty well, but I'm al...
Concurrent deployment limit for specific package?
Is there any way to set a concurrent deployment limit for a specific package? Or maybe some other way to stagger a deploy? I have a package that tells all our servers to go check for updates and t...
Can I automatically deploy things when a computer is detected for the first time?
Hi, When we spin up a new machine, there are some basic things we push out to each computer. Is there any way that when PDQ Inventory does a sync with AD, and it finds a new computer, that it coul...
If I move collections around does that break Deployment Schedules?
Howdy, I have schedules setup in Deploy that point to collections in Inventory. I did some rearranging of my collections and now they aren't in the same structure they were before. I went into De...
Can I run two commands simultaneously?
I have a deployment package that runs one PowerShell command and one CMD command. The commands are independent of each other and I want to know if I can run the second command while the first comm...
Can I select multiple OUs when setting up AD Sync?
HI, I'm trying to add a bunch of OUs into my AD Sync setup. We have nested OUs where I can only add some of them but don't want others so I have to pick each one manually. In the PDQ Inventory in...
Can I run a Powershell Command and have it show me the Powershell Window so I can monitor it?
Howdy, I use Cluster Aware Updating to patch a bunch of clusters in our environment. I normally open the CAU program, pick the cluster, go through the screens, and start it going. I can then moni...