Bump from me too. Just today I'm looking to move from WSUS to PDQ for Windows Updates. But if I still have to have WSUS around for .Net, then I might as well use it for Windows Updates as well to...
Yes please. Just came here to request RDM.
I just came here to post this same thing. I don't know what TortoiseGit is, but we have a number of servers that have it installed by users.
Every month we push the ones called something like:YYYY-MM Cumulative Update for .NET Framework 3.5, 4.72, and 4.8 for Windows Server 20##
Just came here to post this same request. I'm auditing all the software on all our servers and we have quite a few with TortoiseSVN installed, and most are out of date. ;)
Also, I could be wrong, but it seems like some months the .Net Framework patches are "Updates" and some months they are "Security Updates". Maybe it just depends on what's getting fixed each month...
Thanks for the ideas. Based on something I saw online, I ended up creating a new Package called Random Delay that just has a single Powershell line of: Start-Sleep -seconds (1..600|get-random). I...
My specific example was for Cluster Aware Updating. I found a work around by having a two step deployment CMD - start clusterupdateui.exe <clustername> PS - Invoke-CauRun -ClusterName blahblah se...
Thanks. I was actually able to get it working by using that Start command. I did: Step 1: Start blahblah.exeStep 2: Powershell command Seems to work perfectly.
I have this same issue going on right now. :(