Brandon Elliott
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Latest activity by Brandon Elliott-
Brandon Elliott commented, I'd recommend watching the PDQ videos on Youtube for getting started. You'll have to use the silent install parameters for any install packages you run otherwise they'll just hang until they abort....
Brandon Elliott commented, Not currently, but other people have expressed interest in that exact feature https://community.pdq.com/posts/11913-feature-request-performance-option-per-package I just posted about this same thin...
Brandon Elliott commented, If you double click on a computer in Inventory, there is a "Custom Fields" option, however this may not entirely be what you are referring to as it would link the asset to a computer and not just b...
Brandon Elliott commented, The Powershell example above is definitely cleaner but here's a command prompt step that I use, just change the .exe both times. This example is what I would use for checking if Internet Explorer i...
Brandon Elliott created a post, Feature Request: "Performance" Option per Package
Enterprise user. I'd like to be able to specify the "Concurrent Targets Per Deployment" setting on a per-package basis, as I find myself having to flip this setting back and forth and coordinate it...
Brandon Elliott commented, /quiet or /q worked fine for me just testing from command prompt, not from PDQ. Like Robert said, if you open the exe with 7-zip you can see the various msi's and exe's, there appears to be a few d...
Brandon Elliott commented, I'm seeing this as well but it seems to be only on machines with less than TPM 2.0. Not sure if related or coincidence
Brandon Elliott commented, Yes, I've been seeing this for larger file copies, it doesn't seem to happen for smaller files. I actually came here just to see if anyone else was having this issue.