Robert Basil
Weird, After I shut down and restart Deploy no more errors are listed for this package.
You need to install an SQLite ODBC driver (look here: on your PDQ server. Then "Get Data" - "ODBC" and enter "database=Database-Location\Database.db" as connecti...
Powershell is your friend... function GetRemoteLogonStatus ($computer = 'localhost') { if (Test-Connection $computer -Count 2 -Quiet) { try { $user = $null $user = gwmi -Cla...
All PDQ data is stored in the SQLite database's. C:\ProgramData\Admin Arsenal\PDQ Deploy\Database.db C:\ProgramData\Admin Arsenal\PDQ Inventory\Database.db
I would open the .exe with something like 7-Zip and see if it has any msi's inside of it that you can run.
While the agent has become more stable over time I still don't feel it's ready for production use. If your clients are all internal I wouldn't use the agent at this time. I see great potential in t...
- So try: C:\Windows\Temp\TopSolid\x64\TopSolid\setup.exe -s -f1answer.iss
We currently have just over 25,000 endpoints and add around 400 new endpoints a month. A mixture of both Workstations and Laptops over 52 different locations. If you want to discuss this further pl...
No, I do not have any virus protection running on any of the machines running PDQ Deploy or PDQ Inventory.
You are welcome, sorry for the harsh posts on this subject, it's just been a very frustrating few months for me trying to get PDQ to work for us. I really, really, really would like to drop Manage ...