Matt Ayres
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Latest activity by Matt Ayres-
Matt Ayres commented, Another vote for it... very useful tool
Matt Ayres commented, Same issue.. 17.1 reinstalling the agent doesnt work... all devices are stuck on (waiting for agent) ......help?
Matt Ayres commented, Why in that case am i seeing the update waiting here?
Matt Ayres commented, Another vote from me for this feature
Matt Ayres created a post, Deployments Result... Add Skipped?
Hi there would it not be better to introduce a new column/field into the deployment reports... "Skipped" Quite often I have a deployment which is simply "Failed" because a condition that I have set...
Matt Ayres commented, OK worked it out.. needed to use the patch package NOT the original installer
Matt Ayres commented, I'm going to have to work out how to deploy upgrade from 2016 to office 365 soon.. not looking forward to it ! đŸ˜¦
Matt Ayres commented, "Setup has detected that you already have a more functional product installed. Setup will now terminate." Even though its a previous version installed.
Matt Ayres created a post, Adobe Reader DC 19.010.20098 Error
Getting this error: On the latest Acrobat Installer... (Acrobat prev versions is already installed on client)
Matt Ayres created a post, Package Request - Void Tools Everything
Void Tools Everything: https://www.voidtools.com/downloads/ Great search alternative.