File Dynamic Group issue with exclusions
I am trying to build a dynamic group to show all java.exe instances from a scan that we have setup that has the below details (show all java.exe EXCEPT when the path contains c:\program files\Amazo...
scanner failed with error code -532462766
all of a sudden we are getting random errors like this w/ scans. It goes through the whole scan and ends w/ this error. Some of the time if i reboot the whole server it will work again for a whil...
specific .exe search
what would be the best way to setup a scan to find any existence of a specific .exe on a computer? right now i have a file/folder scan w/ the below settings and seems to mostly work but for some ...
Files & Folders report tweak help request
So i am scanning our desktops for any listing of java.exe and dumping that to a collection which works fine. I then built a simple report to output the filename, desktop name, path, and product na...
File modified date dynamic group filter issue
I'm building a dynamic filter to report on the modified date of a specific config file on our desktops to show: 1. Current 2. Old 3. Manually updated (to show any that have a modified date newer th...
Scan users Windows Explorer Quick Access pins?
this may be a long shot but thought i'd ask. is there any way w/ PDQ to scan a desktops Windows Explorer Quick Access pinned folders? i'm pretty sure those are saved in an AutomaticDestinations f...
Citrix VDA 2203 Error Code 3
we are trying to deploy a new Citrix VDA agent version 2203 w/ the below setup. we've had luck doing this in the past with version 1912 but this version runs for about 3 min and then PDQ fails w/...
cab file deploy
working on a deployment of a cab file (Win10 21H2 entitlement package) and using a cmd step with : DISM /Online /Add-Package /PackagePath:"C:\” If i leave it like that, the task conti...
User Profile Program Shortcut Dynamic Group filte
I am trying to build a dynamic group which will tell me any desktops that show the "Microsoft Teams.lnk" under their c:\users\username\appdata\roaming\microsoft\windows\start menu\programs direct...
Run As: Logged On User with Locked vs Disconnected sessions issue
We are deploying Microsoft Teams (user based ) install which installs to the users profile location: C:\Users\profilename\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Teams We've setup a deployment which runs the exe ...