Patrick Garber
I figured it out. I had an OU named the same as the collection I was going for. Oddly enough, PDQ wasn't pulling anything out of the AD OU so that's an issue but that's my issue. I renamed the othe...
Thanks. I tried that too but it didn't return anything, which I found odd. Maybe I'm just doing it wrong. Doing GetCollection -Collection <name> works to return the collection data (name, path, etc...
Todd Brauns Unfortunately no. I can easily change the password on the remote system with either powershell or powershell in a PDQ step. What I wanted to accomplish was also change the password in t...
Thanks. The Powershell/SQL method will probably work for my needs. Thank you!
"If what you want to do is "calculate" custom fields based on other metadata in PDQ Inventory, for the primary purpose of presenting these fields in reports/views, I can't see a way to do that. " T...
Hi ah, Sorry, I was not clear on what I meant. I mean to use an existing scannable attribute, like Manufacturer, and use that to add a custom field. For example, our VMWare Manufactured servers wou...
Correct. I run it on a schedule based on an Inventory collection. Adding the notification to the schedule should work as intended.
Thanks Colby. I'll see if the schedule notification will work for my needs. Adding an email step into a deployment would be a nice feature request :)
This is what I use. Make an xml file and put it in the same directory as setup.exe, run the package. In regard to your question about why it works locally for you but not through deploy, is probabl...
Throwing my hat into the ring on this one too