Emily Dullum
Below is what I want to import into each user profile in the registry, I'm horrible at scripting. Is there a way to do anything with scans in PDQ? Like, scan to see if the below registry setting...
Oh boy, this might be out of my realm. Tell me more about this RunOnce registry entry?
This is good information, thank you. I was trying to avoid having users re-create their profiles. Otherwise I will just re-image the machine and set the preferences in the app before sysprepping it.
So, I changed my script to mirror just what you had (except I left mind in the C:\Temp) and now I'm getting the following error: ScriptHaltedAt C:\windows\AdminArsenal\PDQDeployRunner\service-1\e...
This is a great report! Is there anyway to create multiple rows of the computer names that have the applications installed instead of the computer names being separated with a comma on the same li...