Brian Camp
Jon, Since you've got a license for each individual user, you should be able to set it up like how we're using it. We've got 6 people that work in Deploy, and 7 that work in Inventory. Here's how...
What about something like wmic product where "name like 'Skype%%'" call uninstall That usually works pretty well for me as a last resort to remove something stubborn. It'll remove anything with th...
Came here to suggest this. I'm rather surprised this idea doesn't have more support. Currently, I just abort the larger deployment already in progress, send out my smaller deployment, then redepl...
Ah, ok. That answers that. No problem. Thanks for the info, Shane!
Shane, Sorry for the delay, we've been on vacation. This is exactly what I needed, I'm able to retrieve and view all the firewall settings I need. Thank you for the info!
Should have added this with the original post, but here's a screenshot of the scan profile I made.
I don't know how I missed that. It's exactly what I needed. Thank you.
I think if you just change that 'All' filter to 'Not Any', you should get what you're after. Here's a screenshot of a collection I've got where I'm searching for any computer that doesn't have the...
Just a heads up for you other guys in this thread - Inventory 5 was released yesterday. My console hadn't alerted me yet, I saw their post on Facebook and checked manually. Scheduled reports are...
Another +1 to this request. This is exactly what I came to the forums to make a post on this morning.