
Andrew Gresbach

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Latest activity by Andrew Gresbach
  • Andrew Gresbach created a post,

    Run as non-administrator?

    I'm having an issue trying to launch an application (OneDrive) and seems like if hits an issue no matter how i try via PDQ since i believe PDQ always defaults to running tasks as an administrator w...

    • 1 follower
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  • Andrew Gresbach commented,

    awesome thank you!  what is that actually pulling its data from out of curiosity?

  • Andrew Gresbach created a post,

    AD Last Logon question

    which scanner does the AD Last Logon column in Inventory get its data from?   we are trying to find which persistent VM's in our environment have not been in use in a while and i thought this might...

    • 1 vote
  • Andrew Gresbach commented,

    ahh thats right i know you've told me that already  i keep forgetting about the .exe's!  that did work great thank you! i forgot that setuserfta.exe isnt a built in utility but one you have to load...

  • Andrew Gresbach created a post,

    SetUserFTA.exe get scanner?

    maybe theres an easier way to get this but trying to see if i can use Inventory to pull in some data for a users default file associations (specifically for a couple of them but overall could be he...

    • 1 vote
  • Andrew Gresbach commented,

    All good! That's what I figured was going on.....I messed with it a bit more and it gives the fields I needed so I was able to build a collection based on it great. Thanks for the reply

  • Andrew Gresbach commented,

    one more thing on this.....while this scanner works well for a history,  wondering how we could add a powershell scanner to JUST show the installed KB's instead (successfully installed ones that is...

  • Andrew Gresbach commented,

    just was reading the same thing! thank you for the help here. only one way to find out i guess!

  • Andrew Gresbach commented,

    i thought about that too.......so the main issue here is any CU recently installs initially but the post install reboot get to 98% and then goes into cannot install, undoing changes for 30 min.   w...

  • Andrew Gresbach commented,

    i was just looking at the dynamicupdate trigger......if thats set to enabled and i'm using the 20h2 media, would that upgrade it to 21h2?....ultimately what i'm hoping to do is run an in place upgr...