If that can help i did this command to retreive all fields in the ScheduleComputers table # Get target names from ScheduleId$sql = "select * from ScheduleComputers where Scheduleid = $ScheduleId an...
Here what ive found these 4 entries belong to schedule ID #1 $db = "C:\ProgramData\Admin Arsenal\PDQ Deploy\Database.db"$ScheduleName = "Deploy Default Software For All PC"$SQL = "SELECT Schedule...
Do you know why some computers are not completly delete from all schedules ? When im running the command : pdqdeploy deleteschedulehistory -Computer $linePDQ".xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx" -AllSchedules And th...
Ok here what ive done and it seem to work fine. Ive enable this script every 15 minutes so if i delete a pc from AD it will automaticly delete the pc from all schedules in PDQ Deploy. If that can...
Yes that's what im using but if for expemple ive got pc "TI01" in my AD and that it has all the software deploy on it it will be in the Target History List. If i remove this pc "TI01" from AD it w...
Hello im trying to deploy Antidote version 10.3.2247 Have you made any progress on this installation because i have the same problem and cannot install this as the logged on user because they are n...