Rich Pierce
Edit: I believe I resolved it be using this as a sample; Select Applications.Name 'Applications', Applications.Version 'Versions', count(Computers.Name) 'Number', group_concat(Compute...
I can create the filter but not sure how to do it within a SQL report. If I create a dynamic collection and run the following report it still displays all data within the report even with the filte...
I realize this is old but does anyone know how to use this but also create SW exclusions from the report output? I want to generate this report in this exact format but exclude numerous specific ap...
Hello, How are you managing the data within PDQ Inventory via Collections to properly review the results? I can see the scanner is clearly working but the visibility is limited to reviewing (Single...
Perfect, thank you very much for the detailed response. I have configured this to run accordingly and its working flawlessly. This is going to save us a insane amount of time come refresh project t...
Can you explain the order of operations in greater detail? I did the following; 1) Retrieved Dell API Key 2) Copied files to PDQ server 3) Created report to collect (Computer Name & Serial), this d...