Bejay Cole
Possible to include report description in Auto-Report output?
I would like to have the Report Description included in the Auto-Report output:
Feature request for PDQi: Want to use custom variable when defining a report column
I've created a report based on a collection that reports computers with old BIOS versions (using custom variables to define the latest BIOS for each model): I'd like to be able to add another colu...
Feature Request for PDQi: Conditional Formatting (a la Excel)
It would be awesome to have conditional formatting in PDQ Inventory similar to what Excel has that highlights specific cells according to important values / conditions. Some examples off the top of...
Can't use custom variable in Dynamic Collection for SP / Release
Hello, I created a Dynamic Collection in PDQ Inventory to show which computers aren't running W10 v1809 yet by using a Custom Variable. Unfortunately the value field for SP / Release only accepts n...