Stanicki, Eric
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Latest activity by Stanicki, Eric-
Stanicki, Eric commented, Agreed. A Forticlient VPN package would be helpful. Constantly extracting the MSI is getting cumbersome.
Stanicki, Eric commented, Modify as necessary but i use the 2 following and use 'Run Command' in Inventory then assign groups. Use the scanner profile to review them before changing them, run a report after scanning. Scan...
Stanicki, Eric created a post, PDQ Packages like Inventory and Deploy in the package libarary
Ok so i know its lazy of me to request but I wouldnt be a great sysadmin if I didnt try to find shortcuts or automate things. Why is there no Package in the library for PDQ Inventory and Deploy? We...
Stanicki, Eric commented, Is PDQ going to adopt PS7 at some point? Can we change the default %systemroot%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\V1.0\PowerShell.exe -NoLogo -NonInteractive -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass command lin...
Stanicki, Eric created a post, How many deployments?
So we are currently 30,000+ deployments in after about 6 months. Most of our deployments are on heartbeats with a scheduled once a week in there too to catch PC's that arent restarted as frequently...
Stanicki, Eric commented, Ahh! Great information. Thank you so much Ill check this out. Thank you for the quick help.
Stanicki, Eric commented, I have added this scanner to the 'Standard' so it get polled after a deployment. I also have it as a standalone incase i only want to poll this data individually.
Stanicki, Eric created a post, Files and Directories
I am finding that Files and Directories is not updating on some machines when scanning. My scanner looks for subfolders in C:\Apps called Panic. Inventory shows 136 PC's but when i manually check t...
Stanicki, Eric created a post, PDQ Inventory - Archive PC
This may have been answered but i couldnt find it. Is there a way to set an 'Archived' flag, for example. PDQI doesnt remove the PC's from its own database after they have been removed from AD but ...
Stanicki, Eric commented, Did you figure this out at all? Im surprised there isnt an option as a step for a detailed report to be either saved locally or emailed. I would like to automate this part of it so i can attach tho...