Feature Request: IP's, Default Gateways, DNS entries, Subnet Mask, and Metric in NIC's tab of Computer Details
It sure would be nice to have all that info as viewable/searchable/exportable/etc through the PDQ Inventory GUI.
Trying to use the target machine domain variable in custom Tool
We use Dameware to remote onto three different domains across our support environment. I've setup Dameware remote control as a custom Tool in Inventory that works well in my machine's native domain...
Powershell Scanner GitHub Repository: User Group Info on Windows 7
I'm successfully using the User Group Info scanner on Windows 10. Windows 7 is giving me trouble. No results, a few different errors. Most prevalent being the following: Exception calling "FindO...
Auto Download Package Updates: Download Failed: Specified argument was out of the range of valid values. Parameter name: value.
I keep seeing this error on any auto download package updates. Download Failed: Specified argument was out of the range of valid values. Parameter name: value. PDQ support had me restart the ba...